Amir Khusro, the poet, describes Kashmir as Gar Firdaus, ruhe zamin ast, hamin asto, hamin asto, hamin ast” it means “ If there is paradise on earth, it is here, it is here, it is here…”.
Even today, as we see pictures of Kashmir captured through the lens of various photographers, it looks like paradise, every traveller will vouch for it. The lush green meadows, the gently winding streams that merge into the Indus and Jhelum rives, the verdant forests which have watched the valley.
Kashmiris and Kahwa go hand in hand; the region experiences harsh weather which can leave you feeling rather lazy and frozen. Winter is the season when you enjoy a warm cup of tea, to keep you charged with energy.
It acts as appetizer at first place and digestive after the meals due to inclusion of jaggery.
Green tea is source of infusing antioxidants to your body cells after mitochondria energy burn out to control your free radicals.
There are more, but we campaign for your anti cancer health life with this cup of KAHWA.